Getting ready for your Exam!
Candidates to arrive 15 min before the set time for their exam. Check the Student Timetable.
Candidates to present their appointment slips to the Invigilator and the Examiner. Candidates without appointment slips will be disqualified.
Candidates to bring their books. Only original and authorized publications. Photocopies won't be accepted.
Please, refer to Information and Regulations for further details
Practical Exam: May 30th - Jun 2nd. Kindly check the timetable to confirm your timings
Venue: Classic Music and Arts
Practical Exam
For information kindly contact:
Jemina on 9545 4666 WhatsApp
Tel. 24560025
Opening Timings
Sunday - Thursday
10:00 - 12:30
14:30 - 20:00
11:30 - 20:30
Friday : School is closed
18th November Street, Villa 464 (Next to Sultan Center)
Mob: 9545-4888
© 2017 Playtunes Institute. Tunes Trading & Services L.L.C